Send a personalized video to every customer by embedding their name, email or geolocation in any video anywhere
Personalization has become the new buzz word in the marketing industry and businesses of all shapes and sizes are making countless efforts to provide a personalized experience to their customers.
With VideoWhizz, you can send a personalized video to your subscribers by embedding their name, email or geolocation inside video, and give them a more enjoyable and relevant experience.
Notify and engage maximum visitors by making your video appear as Lightbox on any webpage
In order to boost engagement and conversions, you must notify your visitors in the best possible manner.
And that’s exactly what VideoWhizz enables you to achieve.
Now, you can set an engaging video lightbox that comes on page scroll, page landing or exit intention, or even at pre-specified time intervals and capture their attention once and for all.
Capture leads right inside the video with our attractive lead templates
Capturing leads is the topmost concern for every marketer today.
You may have the best product or the most in demand service, but without having leads, you’re sunk.
With VideoWhizz, you’ll have the untapped powers to capture leads right inside the videos.
Make every visitor click on your offer links with our stunning promo templates
To get best exposure for your offers, add your offer link right inside the personalized videos created with VideoWhizz and share your offers to your targeted audience and drive best returns from your marketing efforts.
Customize the video player and give it a unique feel of your brand
VideoWhizz enables you to customize the video player and give it a look or feel of your brand. You can give your player a suitable name, select a layout of your player, and best part is that you can change the complete appearance of your player by giving any color to your player and player’s text.
Ultimately, you can increase the value of your video and add a weightage to your brand boosting efforts.
Make your videos interactive with annotations
With this powerful feature of annotation, you can add image and text ads and redirect them on the link that you want.